Assalamualaikum semua :)

entry kali ni pasal pic y d ambil hasil dari blogwalking :)
mari kita fahami maksud gambar kat bawah ni..
sangat mendalam maknanya..

poem yang ni saya ambil dari 1 video kt u tube..
Let the love of Allah Remain in the heart
Why did u keep your burden inside you, when you have Allah to tell it to?
Why did u fear everyone might hate you, when you have Him to fill it with eternal bliss?
Why did you choose to settle in turbulence when there's His pure love that speaks of peace?
Open your heart,
Let Allah wash away the hurt,
Embrace the greatest love..
He, alone could give you.
Pray to Allah for He listens to all prayers,
Believe in Him alone and not the deceiving others,
Do what he says for He is your mentor,
Love Him truly and not the impostor.
When you are in a battle unarmed, Let His Love ♥ be your sword..
When you feel cold, Let His Love ♥ warm you..
When you stumble and fall, Let His Love ♥ catch you..
When you have no more food to eat, Let His Love ♥ fill your tummy..
When you can no longer breathe, Let his Love ♥ be your air..
When you have no more to drink, Let His Love ♥ be your water.
When you are lost in the rain, Let Allah's Love ♥ be your shade..
When you are lost in the dark, Let His Love ♥ be your light..
When you can no longer see, Let His Love ♥ be your sight..
When you are bruised in a fight, let Allah's love ♥ stop your bleedings..
When you are wronged in an argument, Let His Love ♥ unleash what's true..
When no one understands you, Let Allah's Love ♥ be searched..
When no one listens to you, Let His love ♥ be heard..
When no one believes in you, Let His Love ♥ be seen..
When no one trusts you, Let His Love ♥ be serene..
When you believes in you, Let Allah's Love ♥ be your confidence..
When you doubt nobody protects you, Let His Love ♥ heed..
When someone fools you, Let Allah Love ♥ make you wiser..
When someone belittles you, Let His Love ♥ make you greater..
When someone abandons you, Let His Love ♥ show you what to do..
When you are a weak, Let Allah's Love ♥ be your strength..
When you can no longer smile, Let His Love ♥ make you greater..
When you are lost, Let His Love ♥ be your way..
When you can no longer speak, Let His Love ♥ tell you what to say..
When you are afraid, Let Allah's Love ♥ be your protection..
When you are confused, Let His Love ♥ be your liberation..
When you are hurting, Let His Love ♥ be your therapy..
When you feel like giving up, Let Allah's Love ♥ push you..
When you feel like tired and fed up, Let His Love ♥ purpose pursue..
When you reach the pinnacle of your journey,
The angels of heavens will welcome you finally..
So GO ON, walk on to the road leading to his heavens' grandeur..
DON'T go a day without His Love,
You will never falter,
DON'T let the devil deceive your heart, Allah shall conquer it forever..
Hold on and believe in Allah's Love ♥,
Thats the best you can have, please never weep again..
and in your heart... Let His Love ♥ remain..
Sister in Islam ( Sister Jalylah Mala)
♥ ♥ ♥
semoga sama2 kita ambil iktibar n muhasabah diri kita balik..
jazakallahu khairan kathira.. ♥
Firman Allah s.w.t :
" Dan di antara manusia ada orang yang menyembah Tuhan selain Allah sebagai tandingan, yang mereka cintai seperti mencintai Allah. Adapun orang-orang yang beriman sangat besar cintanya kepada Allah. Sekiranya orang-orang yang berbuat zalim itu melihat, ketika mereka melihat azab (pada hari kiamat), bahwa kekuatan itu semuanya milik Allah dan bahwa Allah sangat berat azabNya (niscaya mereka menyesal)"
(Surah alBaqarah 2 : 165)
Assalamualaikum semua :)

entry kali ni pasal pic y d ambil hasil dari blogwalking :)
mari kita fahami maksud gambar kat bawah ni..
sangat mendalam maknanya..

poem yang ni saya ambil dari 1 video kt u tube..
Let the love of Allah Remain in the heart
Why did u keep your burden inside you, when you have Allah to tell it to?
Why did u fear everyone might hate you, when you have Him to fill it with eternal bliss?
Why did you choose to settle in turbulence when there's His pure love that speaks of peace?
Open your heart,
Let Allah wash away the hurt,
Embrace the greatest love..
He, alone could give you.
Pray to Allah for He listens to all prayers,
Believe in Him alone and not the deceiving others,
Do what he says for He is your mentor,
Love Him truly and not the impostor.
When you are in a battle unarmed, Let His Love ♥ be your sword..
When you feel cold, Let His Love ♥ warm you..
When you stumble and fall, Let His Love ♥ catch you..
When you have no more food to eat, Let His Love ♥ fill your tummy..
When you can no longer breathe, Let his Love ♥ be your air..
When you have no more to drink, Let His Love ♥ be your water.
When you are lost in the rain, Let Allah's Love ♥ be your shade..
When you are lost in the dark, Let His Love ♥ be your light..
When you can no longer see, Let His Love ♥ be your sight..
When you are bruised in a fight, let Allah's love ♥ stop your bleedings..
When you are wronged in an argument, Let His Love ♥ unleash what's true..
When no one understands you, Let Allah's Love ♥ be searched..
When no one listens to you, Let His love ♥ be heard..
When no one believes in you, Let His Love ♥ be seen..
When no one trusts you, Let His Love ♥ be serene..
When you believes in you, Let Allah's Love ♥ be your confidence..
When you doubt nobody protects you, Let His Love ♥ heed..
When someone fools you, Let Allah Love ♥ make you wiser..
When someone belittles you, Let His Love ♥ make you greater..
When someone abandons you, Let His Love ♥ show you what to do..
When you are a weak, Let Allah's Love ♥ be your strength..
When you can no longer smile, Let His Love ♥ make you greater..
When you are lost, Let His Love ♥ be your way..
When you can no longer speak, Let His Love ♥ tell you what to say..
When you are afraid, Let Allah's Love ♥ be your protection..
When you are confused, Let His Love ♥ be your liberation..
When you are hurting, Let His Love ♥ be your therapy..
When you feel like giving up, Let Allah's Love ♥ push you..
When you feel like tired and fed up, Let His Love ♥ purpose pursue..
When you reach the pinnacle of your journey,
The angels of heavens will welcome you finally..
So GO ON, walk on to the road leading to his heavens' grandeur..
DON'T go a day without His Love,
You will never falter,
DON'T let the devil deceive your heart, Allah shall conquer it forever..
Hold on and believe in Allah's Love ♥,
Thats the best you can have, please never weep again..
and in your heart... Let His Love ♥ remain..
Sister in Islam ( Sister Jalylah Mala)
♥ ♥ ♥
semoga sama2 kita ambil iktibar n muhasabah diri kita balik..
jazakallahu khairan kathira.. ♥
Firman Allah s.w.t :
" Dan di antara manusia ada orang yang menyembah Tuhan selain Allah sebagai tandingan, yang mereka cintai seperti mencintai Allah. Adapun orang-orang yang beriman sangat besar cintanya kepada Allah. Sekiranya orang-orang yang berbuat zalim itu melihat, ketika mereka melihat azab (pada hari kiamat), bahwa kekuatan itu semuanya milik Allah dan bahwa Allah sangat berat azabNya (niscaya mereka menyesal)"
(Surah alBaqarah 2 : 165)